tshirt : iloveyourtshirt : t-shirt blog

The main objectives of iloveyourtshirt (.net & .com) is to centralize and collect relevant informations closely linked to the t-shirtworld.

AMP Street´s Black t-shirt SALE!

February 7th, 2008

AMP Street is now holding a 19 € t-shirt sale. This week its on all black t-shirts!

amp street sale

This week we will also send one extra t-shirt with your next order if you get one friend to order.

Take care

Ten Bills One Day Limited Edition …

February 6th, 2008

Ten Bills releases a ONE DAY LIMITED EDITION t-shirt and will be sold for one day only :

Ten Bills

Also, there are coupon codes for 20% off $20+orders (code: yogurt) and 40% off $100+ orders (code: Covered).

Introducing Paul…

February 4th, 2008

Hello, my name is Paul and from time to time I will also be putting some posts on the fabulous ILoveYourTShirt.com site.

I thought I would write and introduce myself  and I guess it’s always nice to put a face to a name.

This is my first post so if it goes wrong then please forgive me - I’m still learning…


Ministry of Design Sales

February 4th, 2008

Le site Ministry Of Design, spécialiste d’imports de tee shirts, toys et prints fait jusqu’à -70% sur certains produits de la collection précédente et d’autres encore d’actualité.

Ministry Of Design

Les imports tels que Wrongwroks, Matix, et White Decay peuvent être jusqu’à -70% ainsi que les tee shirts de la marque de graphistes MS Wear.

N’oubliez pas de vous inscrire à la mailing list pour être informé des nouveautés.

New Era Tshirts

February 4th, 2008

New Era have just launched 4 new designs :

New Era

New Era

New Era

New Era

Homeys !

February 4th, 2008

You are about to join the most wonderful club in the world. This club doesn’t want you to run faster, throw further, be thinner, be tanned, be strong.


You don’t have to add a friend, send a text, log on or even move from right where you are. In fact this club simply wants you to be you. It just wants you to do one small thing, possibly the greatest thing we all love to do. Stay in. Bond with your couch, wear your sloppiest clothing, eat pizza, order curry, drink tea, drink beer, play Playstation, read the paper, have friends over; in fact just don’t do anything that requires any effort whatsoever.


This club celebrates the home; the sanctuary where you know everyone else that lives there and they know you. No pretence just a beautiful homage to mans unsung favourite pastime, laziness.
Welcome to Homeys. They’re dead comfy.



Retro Campaigns

February 4th, 2008

At Retro Campaigns their t-shirt designs represent unique characters from American politics,like Adlai Stevenson, George McGovern, Jimmy Carter, Eugene McCarthy, etc.

Retro Campaigns

Retro Campaigns

Retro Campaigns

And are all printed on soft (sweat-shop free) American Apparel shirts.

302 Designs

February 4th, 2008

Crescendo, Perspective and Elevation are tshirts made by 302designs.


302designs is a clothing label whose poetic, artistic & unique t-shirts inspire, define, and push the limits of the t-shirt fashion status quo.



Dazed i’m confsued

February 4th, 2008

“Dazed i’m confsued” is another new tee by WrongWroks !


Beautiful/Decay 10% Discount !

February 3rd, 2008

Beautiful/Decay Creative Newsletter: Sign up and Receive a 10% discount!


The Beautiful/Decay newsletter is a weekly e-mail that provides the latest updates in the world of fashion, design, art, new media and beyond.

Featuring artist interviews, reviews, and notifications of events such as gallery openings, B/D magazine release parties, design forums and more, the Beautiful/Decay newsletter keeps the creative community aware of exciting new happenings.

Beautiful/Decay is offering a 10% discount code for our online shop when you subscribe to the e-mail newsletter.

Send an e-mail to: intern@beautifuldecay.com and B/D will reply with the code- so you can get your hands on our new Artists Series Apparel line, magazines, or other cool art/design related products !

Karmaloop contest !

February 1st, 2008

Karmaloop has teamed up with Lupe Fiasco to bring you “the Cool” tshirt design contest.

Karmaloop contest !

Inspired by Lupe Fiasco’s current album “The Cool“, applicants are to submit a design that best conveys what’s “cool” to them.

The winner will receive $500 Cash and a $500 Karmaloop Gift Certificate for a total value of $1000 in prizes.

In addition the winning design will be produced and sold exclusively at Karmaloop and all proceeds will be donated to Lupe’s charity of choice, WHY (World Hunger Year) Finding Answers for Hunger and Poverty.

Contest winners will be chosen Monday, March 3, 2008.

Coontak, collection t-shirts été 2008

February 1st, 2008

Chez coontak l’été 2008 sera dans un esprit Vintage 60’s (Starlettes en topless, Pin up, Dompteuse de Harley, etc.) et cartoon (Mickey, Woodie Woodpecker) :


Les créations coontak sont fabriquées en petites séries de 200 pièces maximum par modèle (ils assurent la production avec un artisant sérigraphe de Paris, sur de l’American Apparel).








Hype Quest

February 1st, 2008

Monsieur T. rejoint le magazine Français “Hypequest“.

Hype Quest

Dans son blog il y parlera, en directe de Portland / Oregon, des coulisses de sa marque Monsieur T., de produits, de vernissages, etc.

(Monsieur T. sur Hype Quest).

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