07 September 2010, writed by David
category: tshirt
When we were kids

UK tee shirt brand When We Were Kids, has a graphic obsession that pays homage to youth sub cultures, and takes a positive and un-nostalgic graphic walk along the memories of the 1980s skate and street wear sector!
The designs have all the joy of an endless summer’s day using vintage references and a bold pop colour scheme. (WWWK are a group of adults that take pleasure in all aspects of grown up child’s play).
The range is a tour de force, designed by Rob Trigg, formerly of Addict Clothing, and printed by hand in the woods of the Meon Valley [UK] where they are based.
You can follow WWWK with they flickr.
David, See Ya! - iloveyourtshirt x Play-Doh.