15 October 2009, writed by David
category: tshirt
Horror Theme at Randr

Check out the new series from Randrtees: their Fall Series has a horror theme with designs featuring blood, skulls, monsters, and a T-Rex from artists like Atomic Child, Matthew Skiff, and Keaton Henson.
They totally changed up their site to make it simpler, better organized, and sexy.
Bonnie, Randrtees:
"Few know what the future holds (and they typically charge by the hour) but psychics and wizardry aside, we are going to be doing some new and exciting stuff with contests, giveaways, new featured shirt offers, and Vintage Randr Tees (a blast from the past for anyone that remembers our bigcartel days).
So, we are busy busy little bees, buzzing around and making honey… well tees just for you, and everyone in the surrounding tri-state area."
You can follow Randr with their: twitter, facebook, myspace, flickr,
David, See Ya! - iloveyourtshirt x Play-Doh.