15 January 2010, writed by David
category: it's hot
It's hot, #5 (with a contest!)

It's hot is the list you wanna read before your week-end. The list is full of stuffs we loved during the week.
Here is our shoot #4: (don't forget to check the contest, after the hot links list).
- I'm addicted to Konbini.
- Winch boarding.
- Hang Me Some Tea by Soon Mo Kang.
- Clark Magazine (#40) with Miss Van. Available in 3 differents covers.
- Turmkunst 2010: Honet, Flying Förtress, Sozyone, KR: the ultimate piece of contempory art.
- Brighton ain't Ready.
- Don't miss the January Sale at Eio Clothing (50% off).
- Woven Cowl, multicolor.
- Terry Richardson's blog.
- Brussels 4 party #8 with veuch.
- Paul Rodriguez launch his PR line.
- iloveyourtshirt's FFFFound! page.
- Whatup Gangstars, épisode 2.
- Les Queues de Sardines.
Thanks to Royal Crush (the brand of Damon Johnson).You can win one tshirt from his new line, to participate: paste this content in a new Tweet and send it to your followers, the winner will be contacted on Monday.
Content: The new Royal Crush collection is online http://i5.be/aiw #royalcrush
Good lucks folks!
David, See Ya! - iloveyourtshirt x Play-Doh.