18 February 2010, writed by David
category: it's hot
It's hot, #8

It's hot is the list you wanna read before your week-end. The list is full of stuffs we loved during the week.
Next Monday we will back in force with daily news.
Here is our shoot #8:
- Pump 20.
- L'Atlas interview.
- André, Drawings chez colette
- Die Antwoord presents a new single available for free.
- You can now subscribe to the Guillotine newsletter.
- Hello Rewind, Recyle old tees into cozy computer clothing.
- Made by Belgians.
- Style Wars, The restoration Project (you can help them with a donation).
- Wonderbra presents "Spot the 7 differences".
- Giant Alien Workshop Skateboard.
- iloveyourtshirt's mention in the DigitalArts magazine.
- The Subs, mixtape Mondays V.7
- The Hopper Tee by Freshjive (available at karmaloop).
- Good news, manzi (impression sur toile) V3 is in progress.
David, See Ya! - iloveyourtshirt x Play-Doh.