17 August 2009, writed by David
category: tshirt
T-post issue by Siggi Eggertsson

The Issue 47 of T-post - "Negotiating a War" is designed by Siggi Eggertsson.
Born on the north coast of Iceland and now located in Berlin, Siggi Eggertsson first showed interested in Graphic Design at the age of 14.
He got involved in local design programs, created posters for jazz concerts and art exhibitions. Over the years Siggi’s work has been part of everything from Dazed and Confused, Wallpaper, Wired Magazine and The New York Times, to numerous international music projects.
For this issue of T-post he made a modern-day piracy scull. As the old scull alludes to dark times and death, although you’re pretty much dead of the RIAA decides to sue you!
Siggi has splashed some color on it to shed a little light and optimism for the future.
The newt issue of T-post will arrive in September the 11th, you can check the Teaser on youtube.
You can follow T-post with their twitter and facebook.
David, See Ya! - iloveyourtshirt x Play-Doh.