tshirt : iloveyourtshirt : t-shirt blog

The main objectives of iloveyourtshirt (.net & .com) is to centralize and collect relevant informations closely linked to the t-shirtworld.

Human Shame !

July 8th, 2007

Optimiste et engagée, “Human Shame” dénonce à travers la culture urbaine, ceux qui s’attaquent aux faibles, dénonce la ségrégation, le racisme, les discriminations :

Human Shame

“Nous avons voulu mettre en scène les animaux, victimes d’expériences et de tortures en tout genre, mettre en scène l’urbain aussi, comme une nature sacrifiée, et parfois, par dérision, présenter un clown, l’homme qui ignore, l’homme qui se tait, l’homme triste.

Human Shame

Autant dans le visuel des t-shirts que dans la structure commerciale que nous construisons, l’objectif est de trouver des moyens d’expressions pour construire un monde plus juste, plus équitable, une consommation responsable.

Human Shame

Notre engagement dénonce les abus des gens de pouvoir, la hierarchie entre les hommes et les rapports humains. Parce que nous croyons au changement de l’avenir de ceux qui sont encore aujourd’hui, largement écrasés … We’ll fight the POWER !”

Human Shame

Human Shame in the place to be.


July 8th, 2007

Big sale in the Beautiful/Decayonline shop (include designs by Aya Kato). Shirts are priced as low as $5.95 !






July 8th, 2007

i just wanted to let you know that the SUMMER SALE is now on at Allmightys: all Tees are now only € 18.00.




Organ3 x Codel,

June 28th, 2007

Le t-shirt Organ3 x Codel est disponible depuis ce matin ! Il est au prix de 19,- euros seulement mais attention c’est une série limitée à 40 pièces.

Organ3 x Codel

RedBubble: internet art gallery,

June 28th, 2007

RedBubble is an internet art gallery and creative community that makes artwork more accessible, rewarding and fun for everyone.


Buying artwork? RedBubble’s range of high quality wall art, designer t-shirts and art cards makes it an inspiring place to buy artwork for yourself or to find that special gift.

Selling artwork? Artists, photographers, and designers everywhere use RedBubble to sell their artwork online. Membership is free, keep your copyright, and set your own prices.

Just looking? Many people simply like the fun and inspiring community on RedBubble. Get involved in the forums, comment on artwork, or bookmark your favorites.

Warning: RedBubble may be addictive.

RedBubble Contest

RedBubble present a t-shirt design competition to celebrate the optical phenomenon of controlled darkness, log on RedBubble for entry details. Judged by Nick Ennis

FUSShop x WrongWroks

June 25th, 2007

Jesus & Judaz” T-Shirt - Dinner Table Edition

Hand printed exclusively for FUSShop , in Limited Edition of 20. Individually Hand Numbered.

Depicting the aftermath of the Last Supper, leaving Jesus & Judas alone, we’ll leave you to decide what happened next!! Never to be repeated, make sure you get yours fast …

More info and images can be found over at: FUSShop

Spreading Out,

June 24th, 2007

Ten Bills re-releases it’s second series titled “Spreading Out”.

This series consists of six designs from six different artists. As always, Ten Bills t-shirts are always $10 a piece.

Doradimon gold,

June 24th, 2007

At WrongWroks we can see the tee drop in a golden and silver foil on black and white tees.

If the last release of the black on black colourway is to go by these will go out the door quick.

The launch the Doradimon phonestrap/keychain box set will be sometime next week with a range of well known stores. , First, in COLETTE, more news coming week!

Johnny Cupcakes,

June 23rd, 2007


June 21st, 2007

ORGAN3 est une jeune équipe de graphistes qui produit leurs propres tee-shirts dans l’arrière boutique de leur local.

Mais pas seulement: ils collaborent avec d’autres artistes pour créer un collectif afin de promouvoir dans l’ensemble leurs membres a travers leurs differentes productions .

  • ORGAN3 Store (le coeur) est une boutique réel où sont vendus leurs créations,
  • ORGAN3 Workshop (le cerveau) est un lieu où vos créations pourront prendre vie sur les modèles disponibles,
  • ORGAN3 Expo (les yeux) qui propose de prendre un café tout en admirant les expositions de quelques artistes.

Premières pièces de la serie artiste:

“KOUGAN” avec Tizieu,
“HEROES The Slipman” avec Cat.

Coming soon: “Clic clac” avec Codel,

Ten Bills News,

June 21st, 2007

TenBills drops three new tees to help you stay cool in the summer.

Each design comes in wonderfully summer colors and as always….$10! Along with the three new designs, there are six designs in the series 3 and six


June 21st, 2007

Beautiful/Decay just added new shirts to their online shop, they’re pretty cool !

Your art on t-shirt ?

June 20th, 2007

Are you an artist that would like to see your art on a t-shirt? 

Keydon will provide you the opportunity to make this happen, and on top of that you will also make money. 

Keydon will allow you to submit your designs, vote on designs, and purchase selected designs. The designs that rank highest for the week will then be put into production and sold. 

Artists will earn a percentage on the design for the life of the design as well as receive the first t-shirt printed.  There will also be contests and artists will have a chance to win amazing prizes.

Artists will also receive full credit for their designs.
All designs are printed on soft ring spun style t-shirts and retail for $14.00.

The Original David,

June 19th, 2007

David is the boy that everybody knew back in the day, He was kinda cool but his kicks weren’t all that fresh yet it didn’t matter ’cause he could clown you and knew how to draw Transformers.

Everybody knew somebody like that, he might have been black, white, asian, latino, a brit, but always David. The Original David is about being different and being cool with it.

“We interpret cultures in our own sarcastic way heightening and often poking fun at our differences because that’s what we do, and so do you, except we do it publicly, with a nostalgic throwback to the good ol’ days to make it seem less offensive. And if that isn’t proactive enough, we come back full circle just to make the point that we’re all pretty much the same… in every language there’s a David.

We make clothes for the future, for the restless, and underwhelmed. Our attention to detail is obsessive, sometimes we even “touch” the clothes ourselves. The Originals line is completely hand sewn, from cut to finish. The Original David is more than apparel it’s a brand. Our aesthetic is distinctive and instantly recognizable.

You don’t just find The Original David, you ask for it by name.

TOO! We’ve brought the most abused piece of clothing in the history of design back to cool. Ladies and Gentlemen, This is your favorite t-shirt. Warning! Side effects include: Making a scene, Mild envy amongst friends, Heightened levels of self-importance”.

Rakiyt , The Original David

Monsieur Poulet,

June 18th, 2007

Prenez du coton africain labellisé Max Havelaar, transformez-le au Maroc, dans des ateliers agréés, et sérigraphiez-le dans le Sud de la France… Pour l’instant, vous avez un T-shirt sérigraphié éthique et ultra-doux.

La touche finale, la cerise sur le gateau, c’est d’inciter des illustrateurs, graphistes, créatifs de tous poils et plumes, à proposer leurs visuels, puis faire voter le public afin d’éditer les T-shirts homme et femme que VOUS, internautes chéris, vous préférez !

Le tout, bien sûr, en édition limitée : Bienvenue chez Monsieur Poulet !

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