tshirt : iloveyourtshirt : t-shirt blog

The main objectives of iloveyourtshirt (.net & .com) is to centralize and collect relevant informations closely linked to the t-shirtworld.


September 29th, 2008

Cameesa is an online clothing startup based out of Chicago.


Their users, through crowdfunding, decide which designs they print. Once a design is submitted to Cameesa, it must raise 50 Parts in $20 increments in order to be printed.


Once 100% supported, the people who supported the design, and the artist, get a special edition of the shirt and earn when it is sold.


The idea with Cameesa is to get more people involved in the clothing creation process, and empower artists to get their work printed. Unlike other t-shirt sites, there is no voting on our site, they use crowdfunding to drive their decisions.




  • Joe Wasserman

    September 29, 2008

    Although the text is about Cameesa, all of the images are from Enclothe!

  • Random

    September 29, 2008

    Actually, every single image is taken directly off of www.cameesa.com

  • Confused

    September 29, 2008

    Why do the images link to your Flickr and not the website?

    Those aren’t your images.

  • Joe Wasserman

    September 30, 2008

    Well, the images have since been changed to ones directly from Cameesa. Which only makes sense, since the text is about Cameesa.

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