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Iraqi Hope

October 13th, 2008

For over 2 years they are worked to inspire more Americans to show they care about the troops through stylish t-shirts that tell their stories.


Today, they’re introducing a new line of shirts called Iraqi Hope. These shirts also tell a story and raise money for a group of people who they have a unique obligation to help: Iraqi children who lost their parents as a result of the war. The war’s left over 4 million kids without a mom or dad. Until now their story hasn’t been told.


They got to know the kids over email. They thought it would be sad. Instead it was inspiring. Through stylish design, the shirts tell stories of kids who, despite unbelievable tragedy, are hopeful. They’re good kids, but they need a little help.


They know these aren’t easy times, but they hope you’ll help us celebrate their spirit and show them thatthere are people who care. It’s the American thing to do…and in lifting their spirit, they’ll lift our own as well.




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