tshirt : iloveyourtshirt : t-shirt blog

The main objectives of iloveyourtshirt (.net & .com) is to centralize and collect relevant informations closely linked to the t-shirtworld.

Human Flipbook !

September 24th, 2007

Erbert & Gerbert’s present: Human Flipbook !

The Making Of the commercial :


July 24th, 2007

Shirtlog.com is a blog about t-shirts. It tries to find those shirts that stand out from the crowd, and give you a possibility to escape from the uniformity.



July 8th, 2007

Tu l’as eu où ce jean ?
Ton t-shirt, c’est quelle marque ?
On les trouve où ces baskets ?

Pour avoir, enfin, la réponse à ces questions capitales, une seule solution: Cloziz le premier site communautaire dédié 100% à la mode.


Sur Cloziz les internautes peuvent mettre leurs looks préférés en ligneet, surtour, “sourcer” et “créditer” leur style !



Alpha EP by The Earlyman,

June 22nd, 2007

Got some exclusive download action for you. Yes you!

The ‘Alpha EP’ by The Earlyman, which is due out on Stop/Start mid-August. And it’s fantastic. Future electronic hip hop starts here :

  • Alpha tracks
  • Your username: private
  • Your password: letmein

Presse sérigraphie à 90,- euros,

April 20th, 2007

Whe propose une presse sérigraphie à 90,- euros (sans la cadre).


April 3rd, 2007

Beautiful/Decay have just totally revamped his online shop.

The new website still houses the same outstanding one of a kind art-based products, music, collectibles and limited edition fashion collaborations, including the highly popular Beautiful/Decay Apparel line. However, the site now boasts fresh new features to make shopping even more user-friendly. Customers can now quickly and conveniently browse by a number of different options, such as by brand, price, top ten items, or any keyword they choose …

With its ever-increasing growing popularity and an inventory that is constantly updated with fresh products, the B/D online shop clearly needed a home that was more browser-efficient.

The Beautiful/Decay online shop houses over 1,000 unique, hand selected items from CD’s, magazines, posters, books, fashion accessories, T-shirts and designer toys from art based and independent companies. The site also sells the successful artist’s Apparel line T-shirts, which feature eclectic and unique designs from artists who have previously contributed to the magazine.

Beautiful/Decay is founded on the theory, “if you can’t find it, make it.” Beautiful/Decay’s format is revolutionary in that it documents the convergence of fine art, graffiti, design, fashion, music and other relevant forms of art.

Beautiful/Decay prides itself in exposing the magazine’s diverse readership to mediums, ideas and creative expressions that are not juxtaposed in any other independent publication.

SevenOneThree Electronik Tribe©,

April 2nd, 2007

SevenOneThree Electronik Tribe©, it’s a new podcast with electro, techno , drum’n bass by Mathias, C4 & Dj Klad !

I love your sexy beats,

March 24th, 2007

i love your sexy beats” ! An exclusive mix recorded yesterday during the “iloveyourtshirt.com” party night! Mixed by françOis.

Phunky & fresh undergroundhouse vibes mixed by françOi

Download it now !

Labels: downsouth, spatula city, guesthouse, dae, phonoshuffle, drop music, ghost & blackcherry, etc.

Check UnderGroundHouse Podcast for other great Mixes !

Help the police,

March 6th, 2007


March 6th, 2007

Basaradan from Taïwan, write a news about us at Colette (Wrongwroks interview, MY2007 exhibition)

Thumbs up Toni !

(full Size)

Your New T-Shirt Website,

March 3rd, 2007

How to Generate Traffic to Your New T-Shirt Website?

There seem to be alot of t-shirt companies sprouting up. The internet is making is extremely easy to find cheap outsourcing, good freelance designers around the world, and templated store systems. There are a number of t-shirt printers to choose from that make it fairly easy for a new company or individual to start selling their products.

So how does a new company go about attracting customers, getting traffic to their site, and generating sales without blowing all of their budget on marketing and advertising? Below is a list of marketing tools that owners/operators of t-shirt businesses can use to get things going

Read the full article at T-shirt Reviews

StreetWear Stores,

February 21st, 2007

StreetWear Stores Locator, It is basically a Google Maps based directory to help people find street fashion, denim and t-shirt stores in their area, state or worldwide. You can even zoom in to see single buildings in which stores are.

Fake LV,

February 15th, 2007

Now this great “fake” bag is “PROHIBITED FOR SALE AND DISTRIBUTION”, …

Bud Bucks,

February 3rd, 2007

Budweiser are launching Bud Bucks, a virtual currency that will give ordinary people off the street the opportunity to bid, buy or instantly win a range of money can’t buy opportunities, top sports and music events and a massive range of unique prizes.

The prizes really are brilliant - trips to the US, tickets to the Viper Room, clubbing in some of the best cities in the world, hi tech gadgets, …

Bud Bucks, opening of the website : 08 February ! (Pictures : Mainstreet (day and night)).


January 31st, 2007

Benoît vient de m’envoyer l’url de son nouveau projet “grafikxperiment” :

“Le but de notre démarche est de proposer un rassemblement d’idées gravitant autour d’un élan créatif commun.

Trouver une alternative à la facilité redondante qui nous agresse dans la rue. La communication visuelle, sous le coup de l’urgence mercantile et de la concurrence exacerbée, prend des allures de soupe à la grimace.

Il est grand temps de balayer d’un coup de pieds cet étron formaté et d’éclabousser le monde d’une sublime ouverture d’esprit. Ceci reste bien entendu du domaine de l’utopie et nous n’avons nullement la prétention d’y parvenir ; mais n’attendons pas l’apocalypse pour raisonner clairement.

Qu’importe de foncer droit dans le mur tant qu’on y emploie l’entièreté de ses convictions”.

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